Early Entry Pharmacy Program
Secure your seat in our professional pharmacy program while in high school!
The Early Entry Program
guarantees seats in the professional pharmacy program to highly qualified high school seniors upon completing two years of pre-pharmacy coursework. This avoids the competitive selection process for regular entry admission that normally occurs during a pre-pharmacy major’s sophomore year of college.
However, early-entry students enjoy far more than simply early acceptance into the professional pharmacy program. They receive the benefits of the Early Entry Experience, which is unlike any other on campus. It features specialized tutoring, professional advancement opportunities, and the chance to be part of the Living-Learning Community. From the first day of freshman year until the first day of the professional program, Early Entry students truly become a close-knit “phamily” through several specially designed program initiatives.
Early Entry Application Deadline
Application Process
Early Entry Application Process
Step 1: Apply to Ole Miss
Step 2: Use your Ole Miss application number to apply to the Early Entry Program located under the Pharmacy section of the Special Program Applications
*Deadline is January 10th. Applications may be submitted before admissions requirements are met.
Step 3: Select an applicant day for interviewing within the Special Programs Application
Step 4: Apply for housing
Step 5: Sign up for orientation
To be eligible for the Early Entry Program, a student must meet these admissions requirements:
- A preferred 24 Math subscore on the ACT (*ACT math requirement must be met by the first day of fall classes.)
- Attend an in-person interview
- Competitive GPA
If a student does not meet these requirements, please reach out to Lindsey Cooper, Coordinator of Admissions, at lindsey@olemiss.edu for more assistance on how to enter the program.
To maintain status in the Early Entry Program, a student must:
- Take all science courses in person at The University of Mississippi. A student must complete the requirements for the B.S.P.S. degree by the end of his or her fourth year of college.
- Achieve at least a 3.00 cumulative GPA on “non-elective” courses by the end of EE1 spring, and maintain a 3.00 cumulative GPA on all “non-elective” courses attempted by the end of the EE2 and EE3 years.
- Early Entry students who have less than a 3.00 cumulative GPA on required, non-elective courses, but above/at a 2.75 have the opportunity to take part in the “Early Entry Academic Achievement Program” the next school year, giving such students an additional year on “probation” to achieve the cumulative 3.00 as mentioned above.
- Receive no semester grades below C in any courses.
Often, students who are unable to complete the Early Entry Program transfer to pre-pharmacy student status and gain admission to the professional degree program through traditional entry admission.
August 1st
Ole Miss Admissions Opens
September 1st
Special Programs and Scholarships Application Opens to Apply for Early Entry Pharmacy Program
January 10th
The deadline for both the Ole Miss and the Early Entry Special Programs applications
Early Entry Program Applicant Days
In collaboration with Ole Miss Admissions, we are thrilled to offer you a unique opportunity to complete your Early Entry Pharmacy Program interview during one of the Admitted Student Days (ASD) this spring.
*This curriculum applies to the incoming freshmen class of the fall of 2024 at Ole Miss, community colleges, or other four-year institutions or to any students entering the Professional Pharmacy Program in the fall of 2026.
First Year | |
WRIT 100 or 101 First-Year Writing | WRIT 102 or LIBA 102 First-Year Writing II |
CHEM 105 Chemistry I, CHEM LAB 115 | CHEM 106 Chemistry II, CHEM LAB 116 |
BISC 160 Biology I, BISC LAB 161 | BISC 162 Biology II, BISC LAB 163 |
MATH 261 Calculus I | MATH 115 Elementary Statistics |
PHCY 100 Intro to Pharmacy (Early Entry Student Requirement) | Elective (Social Science) |
Second Year | |
CHEM 221 Organic Chemistry I, CHEM LAB 225 | CHEM 222 Organic Chemistry II, CHEM LAB 226 |
BMS 321 Medical Microbiology | BMS 344 Human Physiology |
BMS 345 Human Anatomy | SPCH 102 or 105 Speech |
Elective (Humanities) | Elective (Humanities) |
Elective (Fine Arts Appreciation) | Elective (Social Science) |
The Ultimate Pharmacy Experience
Prioritized Housing
If admitted to the Early Entry Program, first-year students will receive prioritized housing in the contemporary dorm of Burns Hall. This amazing hall comes with private restrooms and many study spaces. Did we mention it's located near the Student Union?
Welcome Week Events
The weekend before fall classes begin, new EEs and their families come together in the School of Pharmacy to hear from a host of our faculty and staff to help ensure new students are set up for a great first semester of college all while providing new students with opportunities to get to know other EEs. We also host a variety of different welcome week events for our new Phamily members.
Mentoring and Tutoring
Shortly after being admitted to the program, new early entry students are paired with mentors. These mentors are older pharmacy students who completed the Early Entry Program, having shared the same experience the new EEs will go through in their first year of the program. EE students will also have special tutoring offered on a weekly basis for many core curriculum classes.
Monthly Meetings
Early entry students come together each month during the school year for meetings in the School of Pharmacy. In addition to hearing from guest speakers on various topics, students meet as a group and as individual classes to discuss essential happenings in the program.
In-House Advising
Our in-house advisor advises early-entry students from semester to semester. This in-house advising helps guarantee that each student stays on track to obtain the necessary prerequisites for pharmacy school.
Study Abroad
Join a faculty member studying abroad to learn more about pharmacy in different countries. Whether its learning at the oldest pharmacy in Italy to exploring Dublin's pharmacy schools these trips are packed full of good food, fun events, and great experiences.
My Early Entry Journey
Want to know more about our EE program? Meet our student ambassadors.
Need Help?
Welcome! I am the admissions coordinator for the School of Pharmacy and am here to help you with whatever you may need. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of any assistance.
Lindsey Nell Cooper
Coordinator of Admissions