Defining Excellence in Research

Explore how the SOP continues to make groundbreaking discoveries, lead the nation in natural product research, and enhance the future of pharmaceutical sciences.

Cannabinoid oil vials being observed.

The University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy

is globally recognized for its multidisciplinary research in discovering, developing, and translating innovative solutions to healthcare problems.

The school’s faculty and scientists maintain active, funded research programs in various biomedical, social administrative, and clinical sciences. Each competes for funding from various sources, including the National Institutes of Health, the NSF, and other federal agencies, foundations, and the pharmaceutical and life sciences industries.

Our pharmacy school consistently ranks in the TOP 20 for external research funding as listed in the Faculty Research Grant Institutional Rankings published by the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy.

Our School’s Research Mission encompasses drug discovery and development, translational research, clinical research, and population and public health research.

Our Research Strengths

  • Drug synthesis, Safety, Efficacy, and Delivery
  • Pharmaceutical Marketing
  • Outcomes and Policy
  • Practice and Community-Based Research
  • Natural Products, Dietary Supplements, and Cannabis
  • Environmental Health
  • Pharmaceutical Technology
  • Educational Research

Our Strategic Impact Areas

  • Cancer
  • Cardiometabolic Disorders
  • Neuroscience/Drugs of Abuse
  • Infectious Disease
  • Medication Optimization

The Research Institute for Pharmaceutical Sciences

Student conducting immunizations.

Center for Clinical and Translational Science

CCTS catalyzes the clinical and translational sciences between the University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy and UMMC. CCTS will facilitate the translation of basic research discoveries into clinically validated therapies to improve the health of populations in Mississippi and beyond.

Teacher Explaining marketing tactics.

Center for Pharmaceutical Marketing and Management

CPMM is a research center of excellence that advances research, teaching, and service in medication use and health outcomes, management of pharmacy organizations, and the marketing and utilization of appropriate medications in all segments of the healthcare industry.

Cannabis plant.

National Center for Cannabis Research and Education

NCCRE will foster and conduct scientific research, data analysis, education, and training on the health effects of cannabis. NCCRE researchers and leaders will aid in policymaking and outreach as state programs emerge.

Scientist holding a natural product.

National Center for Natural Products Research

The internationally-renowned NCNPR was founded in 1995 to research, develop, and commercialize potentially useful natural products. Based at the University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy, NCNPR collaborates with academia, government, and the pharmaceutical and agrochemical industries to create natural products that can improve human health and agriculture, such as crops, pharmaceuticals, dietary supplements, and agrochemicals. 

Hand holding 3D printed pills.

Pii Center for Pharmaceutical Technology

The Pii Center conducts interdisciplinary drug and polymer research that provides end-stage pharmaceutical products for therapeutic conditions, vaccines, antidotes, and wound care. Utilizing cutting-edge thermal processing, the Pii Center collaborates with private industry, government, and academia to develop new, improved, and expanded drug delivery systems.

Meet the Directors

Below you will find the directors of the Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences and the individual centers directors
Donna West Strum

Donna West Strum

  • Dean of the School of Pharmacy, Executive Director of the Research Institute for Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor of Pharmacy Administration, and Research Professor in the Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Donald Stanford

Donald Stanford

  • Assistant Director of the Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Meagan Brown

Meagan Brown

  • Clinical Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice and Director of the Center for Clinical and Translational Science in the Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
John Bentley

John Bentley

  • Professor of Pharmacy Administration and Marketing and Research Professor in the Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Director of the Center for Pharmaceutical Marketing and Management Pharmacy Administration
Robert Welch

Robert Welch

  • Director of the National Center for Cannabis Research and Education and Research Associate Professor in the Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Ikhlas Khan

Ikhlas Khan

  • Director, the National Center for Natural Products Research; Distinguished Professor;Research Professor of Pharmacognosy; Program Director for Federal Drug Administration Program; and Research Professor and Coordinator for Natural Products Research in the
Michael Repka

Michael Repka

  • Director of the PII Center for Pharmaceutical Technology Distinguished Professor of Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery and Research Professor in the Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Don Stanford standing with a marijuana plant.

Why do Research?

Most everyone has an innate interest in some aspect of our physical world, be it health, nature, or the environment. A productive researcher can establish a successful career in their chosen field and always find fulfillment in their work.

Donald Stanford

Assistant Director of the Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Our Research Cores

Students drawing solution from a vial.

Bioenergetics Phenotyping Core

BPC is the core facility that provides stakeholders within the Northern Mississippi region access to an XFe96 Seahorse Analyzer. This system is available with cold incubation to accommodate analyses of multiple species, including mammals, fish, drosophila, and bacteria.

Student using a chemistry machine to mix solutions.

Chemistry and Drug Metabolism Pharmacokinetics Core

The Chemistry/DMPK Research Core is designed to provide lead optimization, analytical/bioanalytical expertise, drug metabolism, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics expertise on natural products and related compounds.

Student being shown how to use a machine.

Glycoscience Center of Research Excellence

GlyCORE supports investigators in glycoscience through direct funding of selected research projects, establishes mentors for early career investigators, supports the recruitment of new faculty in glycoscience, and develops local and regional meetings for investigators to discuss their work.

Faculty member explaining how a nuclear based machine works.

NMR Spectroscopy Facility

This facility host five high resolution NMR spectrometers located in three laboratories in the SOP buildings. The capability of instrumentation allows to conduct research in variety of research areas including natural products research and small molecules.

Faculty members discussing research.

Neuropharmacology Core

The NPC enables investigators to use in vitro and in vivo assays to guide the isolation and identification of biological-active natural products and to evaluate compounds predicted to have activities in these systems through rational drug design. The Core uses human neuroblastoma cell lines to assess neurotoxicity and neuroprotection in response to drug treatment.

  • ARE YOU READY to participate in undergraduate research?

    Check out our Undergraduate Research Experience!

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  • ARE YOU READY for graduate student research training?

    Check out our DIRECT Program!

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  • Want to learn more about research in the Department of Pharmacy Administration?

    Click below to visit their research page!

    Pharmacy Administration Research
  • Want to learn more about research in the Department of Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery?

    Click below to visit their research page!

    Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery Research
  • Want to learn more about research in the Department of BioMolecular Sciences?

    Click below to visit their research page!

    BioMolecular Sciences Research
  • Want to learn more about research in the Department of Pharmacy Practice?

    Click below to visit their research page!

    Pharmacy Practice Research
Soumyajit Majumdar

Research and the SOP

"Research in the pharmaceutical sciences draws upon multiple disciplines and involves understanding disease pathways and mechanisms, identifying drug targets, developing therapeutics, and improving medication safety, effectiveness, and health outcomes. Pharmaceutical research, thus, plays a vital role in optimizing treatment regimens, reducing adverse effects, and ensuring the continuous evolution of healthcare practices. SOP faculty are conducting cutting-edge research in all areas of the pharmaceutical sciences."

Soumyajit Majumdar

Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Programs, Professor of Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery and Research Professor in the Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Research News

Want to read more about research in the School of Pharmacy?
Presenter at the 2024 ICSB.
Research News

OXFORD, Miss. – Oxford and the University of Mississippi have again played host to the botanicals industry during the 22nd annual International Conference on the Science of Botanicals.