Neuropharmacology Core FAQ

How much sample do you need to run an assay?
This can vary depending on the number of assays requested but we do ask for 1mg, if available.

How do I prepare the sample for submission?
Samples can be submitted as solids which we dissolve in various buffers to make stock solutions. We prefer 5 to 10 mL sample vials. If they are submitted in solution, we request a stock of 1mM and an aliquot of the dissolving solution.

How long will the assays take?
This varies depending on the number of assays requested and the number already awaiting testing. Some assays take a few days and some take several weeks (primary neuron cultures). Tests are conducted on a first come, first served basis. Upon submission of samples, we will provide an estimated date of completion.

How will you store our samples?
Please specify to our lab how you would like your samples to be stored.